- It's one of the rare mornings that we started the day late... the Eurostar that headed for London only left Paris at 11+.
- The journey lasted for about 2.5 hours.
- Exciting? Well, it's already the 2nd time... but noticed the difference at the immigration point. Back in the early 2000s, we only 'cleared' our immigration at London Waterloo, however, this time, it's at Paris to process our entry to UK!
- The seats seemed to be quite cramp... as compared to many years back... Er... just wondering... did I travel by 1st class seat previously?
- Got some time to plan for our London free day during the journey. Oh yes, also recommended a couple of places to the 1st timers to London - the British Museum, Madam Tussauds Museum, a walk along River Thames to catch a glimpse of the Tower of London, Shakespeare Globe and Big Ben in daylight... and Covent Garden.
- Wanted to send an sms home to inform them that I was crossing the English Channel... well, by the time I finished crafting the message, the train had already gone into the tunnel. Well, amended the message and sent over after 'touching' the English ground :D
- Thanks to the gentlemen who helped us with our luggages that were heavier than before - ok, it's the chocolate's fault! hahaha...

- We were only given 25 minutes for lunch at Chinatown.
- Without much thought, we hopped into the 1st Chinese cafeteria, to be more precise, the Cantonese-style cafeteria.
- For the first time in this trip, craved for porridge. However, after weighing the priority - time and 'want', we asked the waiter, what kind of the food would take the shortest time to get ready... That's how I landed up having roasted duck in soup noodle. That alone cost almost 5 pounds!
Land Tour
- By the time all returned to the bus, it was almost 3.30 pm (half an hour behind schedule). The sky started turning dark, too!
- The first stop of the land tour was St Paul Cathedral. Heard much about this Cathedral - it's the first domed cathedral, and it's where the wedding of Charles and Diana took place.
- Came here twice (before this), but had not have the time to go into the building. Will try to make time this round.

- We only saw the Tower Bridge (from far), the Belfast from far. The group was not even informed of the Tower of London (which is significant to the English History)!

- By the time we continued our journey to the next venue, we were already roaming in the dark - Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace. We merely passed by Trafaglar Square and were told that the Christmas tree was a gift from Norway and there's choraling in the evenings.
- Oh yes, we also passed by Downing Road No. 10. Guess whose home?